Author: Rich Donahue (K0PIR)


Red Cross Volunteer Meeting

The American Red Cross is looking for folks who might be interested in volunteering with the Red Cross in disaster relief the Pierre area.  On Tuesday, March 10th, they will be holding a recruiting...


Midwinter Madness

The Maple  Grove Radio Club will be presenting the Midwinter Madness Hamfest again this year.  There are some changes in the works, but it should be similar to last year.  Here’s a short summary:...


2013 ARRL Field Day Results Posted!

The results of the 2013 ARRL Field Day have been posted. Less-than-ideal conditions this past June likely accounted for a slight drop in participation from 2012. Nonetheless, there were more than 2500 entries, and...


IC-7000 – A Brief Look – YouTube

I saw this youtube video and thought it might be interesting to show on our website. He sticks to VHF/UHF, but I couldn’t find a review of the IC-7000 on HF. The filters used...