PARC Christmas Potluck December 8, 2016 6:00 PM Fire station #4

14 Responses

  1. I will bring coleslaw salad!

  2. I will be making sure Rich brings a coleslaw salad.

  3. Bob KB0BWW says:

    I will bring a hash brown casserole.

  4. Paula says:

    Fred Stenner KD0SJI
    Paula Witt KE0FCS
    will attend, not sure what we will be bringing. We will bring a side dish. or a salad.

  5. Tam AA0LY says:

    We will bring a dessert item.

  6. JimZ says:

    Plans are that Mike, Karen, and myself will be there.
    I was planning to bring a salad of some type and something else.
    Should I bring soft drinks?

  7. Sara Anderson says:

    Nevermind my post on the other one about what everyone is bringing. I will bring Lasagna.

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